UPDATE: Pandemic Experience Surveys Re-launch
------UPDATE: Preliminary Healthcare Worker Pandemic Experience Survey results published.
The Association between the Perceived Adequacy of Workplace Infection Control Procedures and Personal Protective Equipment with Mental Health Symptoms: A Cross-sectional Survey of Canadian Health-care Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: L’association entre le caractère adéquat perçu des procédures de contrôle des infections au travail et de l’équipement de protection personnel pour les symptômes de santé mentale. Un sondage transversal des travailleurs de la santé canadiens durant la pandémie COVID-19. Peter M. Smith, PhD, John Oudyk, MSc, Guy Potter, PhD, Cameron Mustard, ScD. First Published September 21, 2020
A survey of healthcare workers’ experiences during a pandemic
OHCOW workplace stress experts, along with several academic and labour partners, have developed a survey to measure The experiences of a healthcare worker during a pandemic. It is based on a number of scientifically-recognized questions that measure different aspects of job-related psychosocial conditions, along with symptoms related to intense stressful conditions and mood disorders.
The survey, which gives voice to the thousands of health care workers who are currently on the front line of a serious public and occupational health crisis, offers the ability to understand the short and long-term physical and mental health impacts of working during a pandemic (by setting up voluntary coding for repeat entries) and will aid in identifying patterns, and providing insight, for future stress and harm prevention.
It was developed by the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), with help from researchers at the Institute for Work & Health and Duke
University in North Carolina, plus it also had input from a number of health and safety union staff representatives, based on concerns and questions raised by
their members.
PDF versions of the survey questions are available in French & English for information purposes, but entries have to be made at the SurveyMonkey links below. We encourage wide circulation. Sample email invite language is also available below.
To access the survey please follow this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Pandemic_Survey
Pour accéder à l'enquête, veuillez suivre ce lien: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sondage_pandemie
For more information email joudyk@ohcow.on.ca
Sample email invite:
OHCOW Pandemic Experience Survey/Sondage Circulation email language in English & French
A Survey of Healthcare Workers’ Experiences during a Pandemic
This survey is designed to learn about your experiences as a healthcare worker during a pandemic.
The survey was put together by the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), with help from researchers at the Institute of Work & Health and Duke University in North Carolina. We also had input from a number of health and safety union staff representatives, who told us about the concerns and questions their members have.
To access the survey please follow this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Pandemic_Survey
During the pilot study, about half of the respondents took less than 15 minutes to complete the survey (the shortest time was 5 minutes). Those who went through the survey slowly and provided thoughtful comments took up to half an hour.
If you feel uncomfortable answering a question, skip it. All the information collected in this survey is confidential. Only the researchers directly involved in this project will see all the answers. The team will not keep any information that could identify you or others. All the data we collect will be stored on a secure server.
We intend to use the data collected for research and to share with research organizations. The data, analysis and related information may be used in presentations, websites, and union, trade, and academic publications.
For more information email joudyk@ohcow.on.ca
Un sondage sur l’expérience des travailleurs et travailleuses de la santé pendant une pandémie
Le présent sondage vise à connaître vos expériences à titre de travailleur et travailleuse de la santé pendant une pandémie.
Le Centre de santé des travailleurs (ses) de l’Ontario (OHCOW) a préparé le sondage en collaboration avec des chercheurs et chercheuses de l’Institut de recherche sur le travail et la santé et de l’Université Duke en Caroline du Nord. Nombre de représentants syndicaux en santé et sécurité y ont également participé et nous ont fait part des préoccupations et questions de leurs membres.
Pour accéder à l'enquête, veuillez suivre ce lien: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sondage_pandemie
Au cours de l'étude pilote, environ la moitié des répondants ont pris moins de 15 minutes pour répondre à l'enquête (le temps le plus court était de 5 minutes). Ceux qui ont parcouru l'enquête lentement et ont fourni des commentaires réfléchis ont pris jusqu'à une demi-heure.
Si vous ne vous sentez pas à l’aise de répondre à une question, sautez-la. Toutes les informations recueillies dans le cadre du présent sondage sont confidentielles. Seules les personnes qui participent directement à la recherche prendront connaissance de toutes les réponses. L’équipe ne conservera pas d’information susceptible de révéler votre identité ou celle d’autres personnes. Nous conserverons toutes les données que nous collecterons dans un serveur sécurisé.
Nous avons l’intention d’utiliser les données recueillies aux fins de recherche et d’en faire profiter les organisations du domaine. Les données, les analyses et les informations s’y rapportant pourraient servir dans des présentations, sur des sites Web, et des publications syndicales, commerciales et universitaires.
Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec John Oudyk à joudyk@ohcow.on.ca.
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