There are four types of referrals that can be used to obtain access to OHCOW services:

Advocate Referrals
OHCOW’s interdisciplinary team investigates and provides an opinion regarding whether or not a health problem is work-related. This can involve giving a medical, occupational hygiene or ergonomic report relating to a WSIB claim.

Health Professional Referrals
If your patient has an injury or disease that you/they believe is work-related, you can refer them to the OHCOW clinic nearest you for an assessment.

If you have an injury or disease that you believe is related to your work, you can contact the OHCOW clinic nearest you for assistance.

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Referrals
From workplace tours to surveys, OHCOW responds to requests from Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSCs), Health and Safety Representatives, Unions, Employers and Communities.
Learn more about each type of Referral below:
Advocate Referrals
Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) is a clinic system whose mission is to prevent occupational illnesses and injuries and to promote the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers. While OHCOW does not provide treatment, OHCOW’s interdisciplinary team investigates and provides an opinion regarding whether or not a health problem is work-related. This can involve giving a medical, occupational hygiene or ergonomic report relating to a WSIB claim.
To refer a worker to OHCOW, please download our Advocate Referral Form [.doc] and fill in the necessary information as indicated on the form, sign where necessary, and return to OHCOW with the full copy of the WSIB file.
Please note that OHCOW does not address the following issues:
- Acute treatment or ongoing medical care
- Non work-related health problems
- Fitness for work or modified work determinations
- Musculoskeletal problems from more than 10 years ago
- Pre-1990, FEL or NEL level of disability appeals or re-assessments
- WSIB case management
- Disability Claims (i.e. CPP, STD, LTD, EI, ODSP)
Health Professional Referrals
If your patient has an injury or disease that you/they believe is work-related, you can refer them to the OHCOW clinic nearest you for an assessment. Our interdisciplinary team of occupational physicians, occupational nurses, ergonomists, industrial hygienists and client service coordinators will investigate their condition and provide an opinion regarding whether or not their health problem is work-related.
Please note that OHCOW does not address the following issues:
- Acute treatment or ongoing medical care
- Non work-related health problems
- Fitness for work or modified work determinations
- Musculoskeletal problems from more than 10 years ago
- Pre-1990, FEL or NEL level of disability appeals or re-assessments
- WSIB case management
- Disability Claims (i.e. CPP, STD, LTD, EI, ODSP)
To refer a worker to OHCOW, download our Health Professional Referral Form,
fill in the necessary information, sign where necessary, and return to OHCOW.
Occupational History and the Relevance to the Medical Practitioner
The  purpose  of  this  form  is  to  provide  a  permanent  record  of  hazardous exposure to a patient and to assist in identifying current risks from that exposure that may in time lead to a disease. It may be useful as a teaching tool within the doctor patient interaction. It will also assist in the prevention of work-related diseases.
Diseases related to hazardous exposures are preventable. Â In many cases the cause of a disease goes undetected. Â In other cases the length of time between exposures and the development of a disease is so long that the exposure is often forgotten and the record keeping of an exposure is invaluable in determining the cause of the illness.
If you have an injury or disease that you believe is related to your work, you can contact the OHCOW clinic nearest you. Our inter-disciplinary team of occupational physicians, occupational nurses, ergonomists, industrial hygienists and client service coordinators will investigate your condition and provide an opinion regarding whether or not your health problem is work-related.
Please note that OHCOW does not address the following issues:
- Acute treatment or ongoing medical care
- Non work-related health problems
- Fitness for work or modified work determinations
- Musculoskeletal problems from more than 10 years ago
- Pre-1990, FEL or NEL level of disability appeals or reassessments
- WSIB case management
- Disability Claims (i.e. CPP, STD, LTD, EI, ODSP)
You can refer yourself to OHCOW. Family doctor referral is not required.
Health and Safety Committee (HSC)
The mission of the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW) is to prevent occupational illness and injuries, and to promote the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of all workers. OHCOW responds to requests from Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSCs), Health and Safety Representatives, Unions, Employers and Communities.
OHCOW’s interdisciplinary team can perform walkthrough tours of the workplace at which time they will observe how the work is being done; speak with workers to understand their concerns and symptoms; and make recommendations to reduce or eliminate exposures in the workplace.
In some cases, OHCOW can assess several workers from one workplace. They will look for a connection between the health problems and the workplace conditions.
OHCOW staff can work with the joint health and safety committee to help it understand very technical reports it must deal with. The OHCOW team can also design health questionnaires and assist with the administration of surveys.
HSC Services Offered
Presentations on the role of OHCOW in the occupational health & safety system as well as methods and tools OHCOW has developed in addressing occupational health & safety needs.
Workplace Tour
OHCOW interdisciplinary team can perform walkthrough tours of the workplace at which time they can observe the work flow and processes are being done; speak with workers to understand their concerns and symptoms; and make recommendations to reduce or eliminate exposures in the workplace.
Occupational health promotion for groups of workers regarding specific exposures and their impact on health. Assist the JHSC to help it understand very technical reports it must deal with and help design sampling strategies. Customized presentations based on your needs (eg. work related asthma, office ergonomics, etc).
The use of occupational health surveys in which symptoms and exposure relationships are investigated. The OHCOW team can also design health questionnaires and assist with the administration and analysis of surveys.
Groups of Workers
In some cases, OHCOW can assess several workers from one workplace. They will look for a connection between the health problems and the workplace exposures.
Community OutreachÂ
Targeting vulnerable and under-serviced populations and their respective organizations (immigrants, temporary workers, women). Informing public health institutions, community health centres, etc. re: occupational health issues.
OHCOW is a not-for-profit clinic, funded by the Prevention Office of the Ministry of Labour.
There is no charge for our services.
To begin the referral process, please contact the OHCOW Clinic nearest you.
Learn more about OHCOW Services.
Call us toll-free at
...or use the form below to contact OHCOW online.
An OHCOW representative will get back to you within 48 business hours.
If you would prefer to contact a specific clinic, use our
*Clinic / Region Listing