Occupational Illness


A Challenging and Complex Problem

An occupational illness is a health condition or disorder that is caused by the work environment or related activities. They can be disruptive, disabling and sometimes fatal. Examples range from hearing loss to asthma, infections and some cancers. We encourage you to explore the many topics below as well as the services and resources we offer related to each. Occupational illness and its prevention requires engagement and action at all levels of the Prevention System and beyond – from communities, families, workers, managers, safety reps, owners, safety professionals, health care providers and regulators.

For information about Clinical Diagnosis, please see our About Us Page

Key topics in Occupational Disease:

Background image of a person in a hospital bed


From cancers to heart disease to respiratory issues, illness of many types can be related to our work. It is important to know the hazards of your job, and take whatever precautions are required to work safely and stay healthy on the job.

Background image of a concrete saw creating a lot of dust


Exposure to asbestos, allergens and irritants, diesel exhausts, noise, heat/cold, and silica can all cause adverse health effects if not controlled properly. It is important to recognize those exposuures and their potential outcomes.

Background image of worker controlling a robotic device using a tablet


Recognizing and preventing work-related illness continues to present significant challenges, and requires different (and sometimes unique) approaches from those that target injuries.

Occupational Illness Webinar Series


An Annual Webinar Series Sharing Information on Occupational Health and Illness/Disease Prevention


An ongoing series of webinars that present the current COVID situation and provide guidance and direction for dealing with it. See our COVID-19 Page for more information.


An Annual Webinar Series providing the latest research and workplace knowledge to help those impacted now, and prevent such harm in the future

Icon of an upside down triangle depicting control methods

Different industries / sectors have different health and safety issues to deal with. Below are the major industries along with resources provided to help deal with the issues.

COVID-19 and Societal Inequities: A Look at the Impact on the Mental Health of Healthworkers

April 5, 2022

Birgit Umaigba, ICU RN and Clinical Practice Instructor at Centennial College

Healthcare Implications Now and in the Future

April 22, 2022

Dr. Victor Leung, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia


April 22, 2022 • [WEBINAR EVENT]
Dr. Jane McArthur, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)
Dr. Colin Furness, Faculty of Information and DLSPH, University of Toronto
Dr. Victor Leung, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Spring into ACTion: Health & Safety Forum 2022

Friday, April 8, 2022


Concussion, Post-Concussion Symptoms, Under-Reporting, and Prevention of Workplace Hazards

Pandemic Experience Surveys Re-launch (Healthcare)

SURVEY – Building on the important insights gained through two (Healthcare and Generic) Worker Pandemic Experience Surveys posted in the spring of 2020, which received thousands of respondents, OHCOW is re-launching the Surveys to capture any change to the worker experience during the currently surging second wave.


December 11, 2020

Part of the OCC-COVID Webinar Series

Understand the difference, see the impact of making the wrong choice, and learn how judicious use is making a difference in Covid prevention


June 26, 2020

Part of the OCC-COVID Webinar Series

Providing the most up-to-date science, strategies and recommendations to provide a point-of-care risk assessment (PCRA) for healthcare workers

Point of Care Risk Assessment (PCRA) for Health Care Workers

June 26, 2020

Sandi Jones, SEIU Health Care

Healthcare and Mental Health Resources and Support

May 1, 2020

Kim Slade, Director Emerging Markets & Commercialization, Public Services Health and Safety Association, PSHSA

Advancing an M-Health Approach to Supporting Front-line Healthcare Workers

May 1, 2020

Sandra Moll, Occupational Therapist and Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University

Pandemic Experience by Healthcare Workers Survey

May 1, 2020

John Oudyk, Occupational Hygienist, Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Worker (OHCOW)

Share your Covid-19 work experience

Share your Covid-19 work experience for future prevention

A survey of healthcare workers’ experiences during a pandemic

A survey of healthcare workers’ experiences during a pandemic

Beyond Silence: Supporting a Psychologically Healthy and Safe Workplace

May 27, 2019

Tegan Slot and Jeremy Holden, Health and Safety Consultants

The Psychosocial Work Environment Among Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic

June 3, 2022

P Smith, J Oudyk, L Cedillo, K Inouye, G Potter, C Mustard

Protecting Teachers and Students – Optimizing Ventilation in Older Schools / Buildings: Lessons from Australia

June 3, 2022

Dr. Jorma (Jay) Mueller, Senior Medical Officer, Queensland Australia


April 5, 2022

Highlighting the current evidence around the effects of COVID on mental health, with shared experience from the front lines, including education and nursing voices.

Cleaning for Health, Not Theatre

A presentation made by Dorothy Wigmore, Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), as part of the 2021 OCC-COVID webinar series.

Delta and School Reopening: How to Ensure Good Ventilation / Filtration

September 24, 2021

Dr. Jim Rosenthal, Tex-Air Filters

Critical Concepts in Ventilation & Viral Evolution

December 16, 2022 • A “double bill” on two important topics: Indoor air, public health & COVID-19 + The Science of Mutation: Variant Risk and Impact.

Let’s hear from the Engineers & stop the spread!

December 9, 2022 • [LIVE WEBINAR]
Joey Fox, P. Eng, MASc, HVAC Engineer
Marianne Levitsky, MES, CIH, ROH, FAIHA, founding President,
Stéphane Bilodeau, P.Eng., Ph.D., Fellow of Engineers Canada

Making It All Easier: Knowledge Mobilization & Tools Webinar

November 24, 2022 • With Thomas Tenkate, School of Occupational and Public Health; Angela Wheeler MSc, CIH, CRSP and SDS Registered Author, Dr. Joel Moody, Chief Prevention Officer and more.

Health and Safety Prevention and Controls

Available in English, Spanish (Espanol), and Thai
OHCOW’s Migrant Farm Workers Team

What Causes Our Symptoms? HAZARDS

Available in English, Spanish (Espanol) and Thai
OHCOW Migrant Farm Workers Team

Resin Tables and Working with Epoxies

May 19, 2022

James Miuccio, BSc MSc CIH CRSP, Occupational Hygienist, OHCOW
Sonia Lal, MSc, CIH, Occupational Hygienist, OHCOW

Simple Chemical Risk Assessment for Small Business

December 2021

Canadian Occupational Safety (COS) Magazine
Thomas Tenkate

CHAP-Risk Tool

December 2021 • A workplace tool used for identifying and prioritizing workplace chemical hazards.


October / November 2021

A wide range of current occupational health topics are covered by a variety of well-known speakers.

Work-Related Asthma – Hair, Nail & Beauty Salons

The Lung Association, OHCOW, Health & Safety Ontario


November 19, 2021

Part of the 2021 OCC-TOBER Webinar Series

CHAP Tools: Locally Developed User-friendly Software for Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment

November 19, 2021

Thomas Tenkate, Ryerson University


November 12, 2021

Part of the 2021 OCC-TOBER Webinar Series

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

November 12, 2021

Barbara Hales and Bernard Robaire
McGill University


November 5, 2021

Part of the 2021 OCC-TOBER Webinar Series


October 29, 2021

Part of the 2021 OCC-TOBER Webinar Series

Working Safely with Pesticides


A series of colourful, information handouts available in both English and Spanish.

First Aid for Eye Injuries


Canadian Ophthalmological Society

Ergonomics and Hairstyling


Melissa Statham, Ergonomist, OHCOW
Dwayne Fuchs, Ergonomist, OHCOW

Work-Related Asthma – Hair, Nail & Beauty Salons

The Lung Association, OHCOW, Health & Safety Ontario

Review of the WSIB Adjudicative Support Material Binder (ASMB) for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

September 7, 2022
Prepared by: Paul Sampara, BSc., DOHS, MEng,
ROH Occupational Hygienist

Silica Control Tool Launch

November 2023 • The Silica Control Tool has been updated for use in the Ontario Construction Industry. Find out how to register and protect workers.

Silica – Facts, Stats, and Questions Answered

SEPT 2023 • An infographic about Silica, one of the most common hazards on a worksite that damages the lungs and causes scar tissue to form, leading to diseases including silicosis and cancer if inhaled.

Pancreatic Cancer and Exposures in Ontario Mines

Last updated: January 8, 2020

Martin Albinger, BSc, MEng, CIH, ROH, Occupational Hygiene Consultant, OHCOW

Health Hazards When Working With Granite

September 12, 2022

James Miuccio, Occupational Hygienist, CRH, CRHP
Sonia Lal, Occupational Hygienist, CRH, CRHP


October / November 2021

A wide range of current occupational health topics are covered by a variety of well-known speakers.

Respirable Dust Exposure in Ontario Miners and the WSIB COPD Exposure Guideline

November 5, 2021

Paul Sampara, Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)

Trading One Risk for Another

September 2021

EXTERNAL REPORT – New Solutions.
By Janice Martell, OHCOW, McIntyre Powder Project; Tee L. Guidotti, MD, MPH, DABT

Kidney Cancer and Exposures in Ontario Mines

January 24, 2020

Todd Irick, M.Sc., CIH
Dr. Kevin Hedges, Ph.D., B.Sc., MAppSc., CIH, COH,
Occupational Hygienists OHCOW

Aluminum Dust Exposure and Evidence for Impairment of Cognitive Function

OCTOBER 21, 2019

A paper to review and identify gaps in the Systematic Review of Occupational Aluminum Exposure and Adverse Health Conditions.
Written by Tee L. Guidotti,

Leading into November – Lung Month

October 2020

Kevin Hedges and John Oudyk, Occupational Hygienists, Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)
Sean McGinn, MKNIZD Factors
Dr. Christine Oliver, Medical Consultant, OHCOW; Division of Occupational and Environmental Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Background and Development of the WSIB Lung Cancer-Gold Miners Policy 16-02-07

Last updated December 30, 2019

Paul Sampara, BSc, DOHS, MEng, ROH, Occupational Hygiene Consultant, OHCOW, et al

Physical and Chemical Characterization of McIntyre Powder

September 2019

Andrew Zarnke, OHCOW and Laurentian University along with Pat E. Rasmussen, Marie-Odile David, Housan Eidi, Konner Kennedy, Kevin Hedges, Todd Irick, Christopher Thome, Jake Pirkkanen and Douglas Boreham

Bladder Cancer and Exposure in Ontario Mines

Last updated: July 19, 2019

Todd Irick, M.Sc. CIH, Occupational Hygienist, et al

McIntyre Powder: Fine (PM2.5) and Ultrafine Dust Exposures and Cardiovascular Disease

Last updated: April 29, 2019

Andrew Zarnke, Ph.D. (candidate), H.BSc. OHCOW – Sudbury, et al

Sarcoidosis: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Causal Associations with Occupational and Environmental Exposures

Updated March 26, 2019
Dr. Christine Oliver, MD, MPH, MS, FACPM,  Medical Consultant, OHCOW, et al

McIntyre Powder: Biological Significance of the Manner of Exposure and Particle Size

Updated: March 26, 2019

Andrew Zarnke, Ph.D. (candidate), H.BSc., OHCOW – Sudbury
Medical review by: Dr. Christine Oliver, MD, MPH, MS, FACPM, Medical Consultant – OHCOW


The current ODAP was developed in late 2016 to focus the Prevention System and other key Stakeholder energies and efforts on Occupational Disease prevention.
Updates to the Plan are in the works and will be posted here as soon as they become available.


OHCOW’s mission includes a goal to protect workers and their communities from occupational diseases, injuries, and illnesses.
As part of this mission, OHCOW encourages health-based and evidence-based occupational exposure limits
(OELs) for chemicals, and equivalent sound exposure level criteria for noise exposure.

Logo of the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD)

OHCOW has produced submissions for Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), and its predecessor ministries (MLTSD, MOL), to address evidence-based limits for Ontario regulations.

Logo of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

OHCOW has also produced commentary that have been submitted to the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) addressing new / adjusting existing Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) for chemical and other occupational exposures.

A row of icons representing the various services offered by OHCOW


OHCOW offers a variety of services that you or your workplace can utilize
in dealing with work-related injuries or illnesses.

From an information/inquiry service to medical diagnostic services, and education and outreach programs
to group services and research services we are here to help in any way we can.

We also offer advocate, health professional, self, and joint health and safety representative and committee referrals.

View all services button



I was treated like a human being and not like a statistic by all levels of staff - from administration to the nurse to the doctor. Thank you so very much for your support.



Despite my lack of language proficiency, your office made the necessary effort to understand me and made me comfortable to express my issues at ease.



I received professional service. the staff is very friendly and considerate. They talked in a way I understood even though my English is very limited.
