A more up-to-date subpage of OHCOW's COVID-related resources, is also available here.
March 25, 2020
Mental Health Resources and Tips
Given the community spread and severity of Covid-19, OHCOW strongly recommends self-isolation when and wherever possible; however remember to take care of yourself and others (from a distance)!
We recognize that the disturbing and uncertain world situation, the barrage of related information, and isolation itself can be stressful and overwhelming for many. OHCOW would like to remind workers, employers and their families to keep in touch with each other, and take care of their mental health and well-being by sharing the following: Tips for workers on ways to cope with feelings of anxiety or stress during this difficult time; Steps employers can take to minimize workplace stress; Community connection information and Related Resources
Tips for Workers
Our lifestyles are all disrupted, with thousands of people working from home and/or self-isolating, while many others continue to work under strained or risky conditions. Such circumstances can easily generate uncertainty, discomfort, and feelings of frustration. According to CAMH, it is normal to be anxious and worried at such stressful times
With more and more people working from home, others having to self-isolate, and still others having to continue to work under alarming conditions, our lifestyles are changing. This brings uncertainty, discomfort and even feelings of frustration.
In their “COVID-19 and Mental Health at Work” document the Government of Canada has provided some useful tips to consider when it comes to your mental health:
- Get information from reliable sources (such as those provided in our previous updates)
- Stay informed but follow news coverage about COVID-19 in moderation. Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories. It can be upsetting to hear about the crisis and see images repeatedly.
- Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and get plenty of sleep.
- Make time to step back and consider how to take advantage of unexpected flexibility in your daily routine.
- Stay connected. Talk to friends or family about your feelings and concerns.
- Maintain healthy relationships and respect other people’s feelings and decisions.
- Show support and empathy to those dealing with difficult situations.
- Identify what is within your control and try to direct your energy towards what most worries you within your own control.
OHCOW offers a StressAssess app available in Apple, Android, and Web versions that can help you keep an eye on your stress levels and understand better any workplace factors that impact them.
Employer Stress Prevention Steps
As suggested by Safe Work Australia, some important steps you can take as an employer to eliminate or minimise workplace stress are to:
- be well informed as an employer with information gained through authoritative sources
- regularly communicate with workers and share relevant information as it comes to hand
- consult your workers on any risks to their psychological health and how these can be managed
- determine appropriate control measures taking account of official information sources and workplace consultation
- provide workers with a point of contact to discuss their concerns and to find workplace information in a central place
- inform workers about their entitlements if they become unfit for work or have caring responsibilities
- proactively support workers who you identify may be more at risk of workplace psychological injury (e.g. frontline workers or those working from home)
- Refer workers to appropriate channels to support workplace mental health and wellbeing such as employee assistance programs.
StressAssess also comes as a workplace survey, which can help identify psychosocial hazards and their impact. While generally recommended when organizations are operating as “normal,” this is also a tool that can anonymously and confidentially highlight issues in a “new (even if temporary) normal.”
Community Connection
A number of additional Mental Health Links can be found below; however, we would also like to encourage individuals to follow local circumstances and guidance from your public health unit, many of which are providing regular updates as well as links to resources and assistance that may be available in your community. This will be particularly helpful for anyone with elderly parents, family with underlying health conditions, young children, or a neighbour who may need some assistance. Here is a link to all 35 Ontario Public Health Units.
Another valuable resource is the 211 Ontario website where you can find programs and support services available in your community should you, or others, need to access these.
More Related Resources
Canadian Mental Health Association - 6 Tips to Respond to Employee Anxiety about COVID-19
CAMH - Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Resources include:
- Coping with Stress and Anxiety
- Quarantine and Isolation
- Stigma and Prejudice
- FAQs
Mental Health Commission of Canada - Choosing sources of information carefully is critical to COVID-19 mental well-being says Mental Health Commission of Canada
Mental Health First Aid - Mental Health First Aid COVID-19 Self-Care & Resilience Guide
CDC - Manage Anxiety and Stress
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) - Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - A Parent Resource
WHO - Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak
The Conference Board of Canada: A Selection of 7-9 minute videos on Mental Health and COVID-19
March 18, 2020
Staying Apart to Stay Healthy
As stated below, beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) has joined (and is commending) the many businesses, government offices and institutions that are standing united in a global shared battle against COVID-19 by implementing social distancing. All Clinics and the Provincial Office are closed to protect, and ensure the health & safety of, staff, clinicians, patients, clients and the public. However, OHCOW operations will not be interrupted. We are working across the organization to ensure all employees are well-equipped for working from home in order to continue to provide a high-level of service and support to the workers and workplaces of the province. Don’t hesitate to call or email if we can answer questions, recommend tools and resources, provide consulting and knowledge translation services, or organize patient registration and follow-up. Contact information is available at: https://www.ohcow.on.ca/contact.html International experience demonstrates that social distancing is the only effective method to control the spread of the virus, and it is in the best interests of employees, families, health care workers and our communities. By implementing this strategy (at work and at home), we are doing our part to limit the spread of COVID-19, reducing the risk of exposure and transmission. We challenge others to do the same! Social distancing goes beyond the workplace – consider some of the following outside of work as well:- Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
- Avoid non-essential use of public transport, varying your travel times to avoid rush hour, when possible
- Work from home, when & where possible.
- Avoid large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces such as pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs
- Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
- Use telephone or online services to contact your doctor or other essential services if/when the need arises
- are over 70
- have an underlying health condition; or
- are pregnant
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