PainPoint App

Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) at Work

A mobile app that delivers a very basic ergonomic assessment by running through a series of diagrams and questions to pinpoint musculoskeletal pain, identify possible sources, and discover practical solutions - right from your smartphone!

The results are depicted on a body map, with recommendations to address work-related MSD hazards that could be contributing to your discomfort.

A screenshot of the opening screen of OHCOW's PainPoint app

A screenshot of the Neck screen of OHCOW's PainPoint app

A screenshot of the Left Knee screen of OHCOW's PainPoint app

A screenshot of the Body Map screen of OHCOW's PainPoint app

A screenshot of the Exposure Questions screen of OHCOW's PainPoint app

A screenshot of the Result screen of OHCOW's PainPoint app

No personal data is collected when using this app, but summary results can be shared with others (at your discretion) in order to report hazards or foster solutions.

While a professional ergonomic assessment is considered the most effective way to address work-related discomfort, this app is a good first step to help you recognize the signs of MSDs and take action for prevention.

Download the app to your mobile device today using the buttons below:
NOTE: The Apple Store version is currently not available. 

For more information, or to make an inquiry or discuss a worksite visit, contact us at

This app is the result of a valuable and productive professional collaboration: combining the clinical expertise and ergonomic content of the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) with the technological knowledge and communication skills of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).