Silica Control Tool logo


LEARN MORE about the tool

If you are in the Construction sector AND have your company WSIB business number, go directly to the Silica Control Tool, create an account and begin using the tool.

 If you DO NOT have a WSIB Account, please use the following form to apply for access to the tool.
NOTE:  This process could take up to 10 business days.

Note:  This submission may take up to 10 business days to process.


Logo for the Prevent Occupational Disease portal

A valuable and trusted information clearing house on occupational disease and its prevention.
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Prevention Office

Icons representing the various materials that contain silica


Learn more about silica statistics, sources, exposure limits, hazards/risks, prevention tips, control methods, additional resources, plus much more.

The Silica Control Tool project is made possible by funding from and collaboration with:

Logo for the Prevent Occupational Disease portal

IHSA logo

Logo of the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW)

BCCSA logo

Logo of the Government of Ontario