RSI Day Webinar Series Week 2
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RSI Day Webinar Series Week 2

15 February 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Thursday February 15

10:00 am – 12:30 pm EST

Clinical Lessons on Key Musculoskeletal Disorders

Part 1: Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain affecting approximately 2 million people a year. This session examines the anatomy, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of this disorder at work.

Pravesh Jugnundan, Physician – OHCOW Toronto
Trevor Schell, Ergonomist – OHCOW – Sudbury

Part 2: Improved and Systematic Physical Demand Analysis in the Workplace

Worker safety and productivity are crucial elements in the workplace. The application of ergonomics and the identification of connections between workers and assigned tasks have contributed to a reduction in worker injuries and discomfort, yielding positive effects on productivity, and lowering costs. It is not uncommon to observe workers in the workplace exposed to awkward body postures, repetitive motions and forceful exertion that lead to musculoskeletal disorders, resulting in operational delays.

Physical Demand Analysis (PDA) is a widely recommended tool for documenting the physical, cognitive, and environmental demands of essential and non-essential tasks. However, limitations exist in using the content generated in current PDA practices for risk identification and assessment, with limited functionality in providing modified work to proactively mitigate risk.

Three aspects of PDA implementations are discussed — risk identification, evaluation, and mitigation —aiming at the development of modified work within the return-to-work program. Ultimately, this research can contribute to the design of job tasks and work environments with the overarching goal of promoting health, safety, and productivity in the workplace.

Xinming Li (Sherry Li) – Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta

Part 3: Epicondylitis

Epicondylitis is a musculoskeletal disorder affecting the elbow with an overall prevalence in the general population reported to be between 4% and 7%.  This disorder is more commonly referred to as golfer’s elbow (medial aspect of elbow) or tennis elbow (lateral aspect of elbow).  This session examines the anatomy, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of this disorder at work.

Daryl Stephenson, Ergonomist – OHCOW – Hamilton
Michael Pysklywec, Physician, OHCOW – Hamilton


15 February 2024
10:00 am - 12:30 pm