Practical Solutions for Homes and Workplaces
Based on Public Health Fundamentals

IT’S IN THE AIR – What can you do to avoid the virus?

Vaccines are necessary, but not enough to protect us, our loved ones and our communities from the virus behind COVID-19

In addition to vaccines, we need clean respirable air.

The following tips and suggestions will help you to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic safely and smartly:

Icon showing germs being filtered out of the air when passing through a filter


World-wide, there is growing acceptance that COVID-19 spreads in the air that we breathe.

Air quality control plays a large role in controlling the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

Icon depicting several people having an outdoor meet up

Meet others outdoors
if possible.

Icon showing an open window with air flowing in/out

Bring Lots of Fresh Air Inside

• Keep ventilation and furnace fans ON to bring in outside air.
• Open windows if they can really add fresh air.

Icon of a clock with 6x at the top indicating 6 times per hour

Change Air with Fresh,
Cleaned Air

At least six times / hour (6 ACH*) in workplaces, schools, gyms, other places people gather.
Maximize in homes as able.

*Air changes per hour

Icon of a fan with arrows circling around it

Evaluate and Improve Ventilation

Clean air with better filters (MERV-13 if possible).
• Supplement with portable HEPA-filter units, sized to the space. Avoid ozone.
Make DIY filter + fan boxes for homes, neighbours, community groups.

Check Fresh Air with CO2 Monitors

Icon of a checkmark inside a box indicating good

600 ppm

Icon of a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside indicating caution

800 ppm

Icon of a movie clapper representing "take action"

>1,000 ppm
Action Needed

Icon of an N95 mask


Masks should be used as part of a broader protection plan.

Masks are NOT all the same.
Good fit, filter and function are essential to protect you and others.

Icon of a mask covering a face


No gaps on the sides or top.
Good seal at all the edges.
Metal nose pieces are essential.

Icon of a face with a mask protecting the person from airborne germs


Cloth does NOT filter out the small virus-laden particles.
Only specially designed, melt-blown materials do.

Icon showing a figure wearing an N95 mask surrounded by other people


Respirators protect the user and those around them.
Loose-fitting and/or fabric masks generally only protect others from you.

In most occupied spaces, you need a respirator, especially with Omicron.
Choose one that fits well and is easy to breathe through.

Aim for Certified CA-N95 or N95 Respirators, or better

The distinct benefit of N95 and higher respirators* is shown in this simple graph generated from peer-reviewed mask efficiency research

* even if not fit-tested

A graph showing the relative efficiencies of different mask types for virus protection

Click image to magnify

Icon of a test result


...between vaccines, masking and air quality controls.

Icon showing several figures with a few greyed out and a clock over slayed

Fewer people inside for less time – everywhere – based on the space/size.

Icon showing two people meeting outside but keeping their distance apart – one person has germs floating around them

Limit the people you see – be cautious of the risk they bring.

Distance matters
inside and out.

Icon of a rapid antigen test

Use Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) right before meeting others.
If positive (even faintly), isolate, inform contacts, follow guidelines
and get a PCR test asap.

Icon of person inside a house indicating to stay home if you are unwell

Stay home if you have cold or flu symptoms, even if the RAT result is negative.

Icon of a disinfecting spray bottle and a plexiglass shield

• Blocking air circulation with plexiglass, unless direct face-to-face risk.
•Disinfecting (rarely needed and toxic). Clean with soap, water and microfibre.

Remember – You can share the virus without symptoms! 

Join / support groups pushing for the best protection for all of us

Monitor the current situation in your area using our Regional Risk Tools and Tips 

COVID regional risk graph

Determine your local infection risk and get corresponding tips for COVID-19 prevention in non-healthcare workplaces.

Download and print a PDF of these tips and suggestions for posting in your home / workplace.

A snapshot of the COVID-19 Practical Solutions tip sheet

Learn more about the distinct benefits of N95 or higher respirators – even if not fit-tested – using this simple graph*

A graph showing the relative efficiencies of different mask types for virus protection

*generated from peer-reviewed mask efficiency research